Indigenous and earth-based cultures revere elder women for the wisdom amassed though life experiences. Western patriarchal cultures devalue this knowledge as well as nature informed practices. This workshop empowers participants to transform their western perception of aging. Collective rituals are explored and developed which consider the tasks of successful passage to “elder wise women” status. Borrowing tools from earth-based cultures and from Jungian psychology, this workshop empowers women to reclaim what has been lost. Although theme- based for elder women, tools are adaptable for other marginalized voices. Explorations include o movement, guided imagery, music, elder stories, visual imagery and writing. 

Dr. Dicki Johnson Macy, PhD, BC-DMT, LMHC

ADTA 58: Rituals for Elder Empowerment: Jungian and Indigenous Wise Women Practices
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ADTA 58: Rituals for Elder Empowerment: Jungian and Indigenous Wise Women Practices

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