This study explores Danced-Base Narrative Therapy (DBNT) as a non-pharmaceutical approach for Dementia patients. Using narrative inquiry as the research method, nine pairs of dementia patients and their caregivers attended 20 bi-weekly group sessions. Data were collected and analyzed through the "Categorical-Content" Narrative Analysis Method and Laban Movement Analysis. The results show the development of new perspectives: 1) "I am a person" affected by "dementia" (externalizing), 2) but "I have the ability" to dance (deconstructing sense of 'disability'). 3) "I am healthier" through dancing (thickening), and 4) "I can continue to be healthy" by adding dance to daily life (transforming).

YinHui Hong, PhD, M.A., CMA

Cheih-Yu Hsu, M.S.

ADTA 58: A Study of Dance Base Narrative Therapy Group as Nonpharmacological Prescription for People with Dementia in Taiwan
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ADTA 58: A Study of Dance Base Narrative Therapy Group as Nonpharmacological Prescription for People with Dementia in Taiwan

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